Pilot StopWatch v2.01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General Information ------------------- Pilot StopWatch is a program designed to run on the USR/3-Com/IBM PDA that functions as a stop watch. It allows five simultaneous stop watches to be running. Just like a real stop watch, this program has the ability to start the watches, stop the watches, pause the watches (for lap times), and to reset the watches. Pilot StopWatch is written and maintained by Chris DiPierro of X-Cellent Software Corporation. Installation ------------ * Delete any version of Pilot StopWatch you have installed (especially v2.01) * Install this one Usage ----- Each stopwatch has a label and 4 buttons associated with it. The label is the name of the watch and defaults to "Stop Watch #:" where # is from 1 through 5. To rename a watch, simply click on its name like any other field on your Pilot and edit it. The buttons are designed to resemble a VCR: * The right facing triangle is "Go" or "Run". It starts the stopwatch timing. * The square is "Stop". It stops the stopwatch. * The two parallel lines are "Pause". This pauses the stopwatch until "Go" or "Stop" is hit. * The "R" stands for "reset". This resets the stopwatch to all 0's. Note that you can only reset a stopped stopwatch. The current state of the stopwatch is reflected by which button is inversed. The four buttons on the bottom of the screen labeled with "All ..." are equivilent to pressing that button for every stopwatch. There are some options you can set via the Preferences selection of the Options menu. * The option "Hardware" allows you to use the hardware buttons to control one of the watches. If you check this box, be sure to select a watch from below it. If you do so, the "Calendar" button becomes "Go", the "Address Book" button becomes "Stop", the "ToDo List" button becomes "Pause", and the "Notepad" button becomes "Reset" for the watch you have selected. * The other box allows you to disable the Pilot's auto-off feature while in the program. If you select this option, the Pilot's auto-off feature will be reinstated when you leave Pilot StopWatch. Important Notes --------------- Pilot StopWatch will time when the Pilot is in other applications (if you set a stopwatch to "Run" or "Pause" and then you leave the application) or while the Pilot is off. *HOWEVER* when the Pilot is off, the best timing accuracy that can be kept is on the order of 1 second. So if you care about precision, do *NOT* turn the Pilot off, and disable the auto-off feature of the Pilot in the Preferences menu. Registration Info ----------------- Pilot StopWatch is Shareware and costs $10 to register. Benefits of registration include automatic free updates to new versions of the program if the user has an Internet email address, otherwise the user will only be notified of new releases. In addition, you will no longer have to hit the "Ok" button on the splash screen at the start of the program. To register, please refer to http://www.llamas.org/pstw/ Changes in this version (2.02) ------------------------------ * Added the ability to specify "All" for the hardware buttons to control all watches with the hardware buttons at once * Fixing the bug in v2.01 broke the hardware buttons, this is fixed Changes in version 2.01 ----------------------- * Fixed a slight timing inaccuracy that could occur with the "All" buttons Changes in version 2.00 ----------------------- * Can now rename the watches * Stores the timing info when you switch apps and come back * Added hardware button support * Added ability to disable auto-off * Changed what the buttons look like * Changed the program icon * Now works under Palm OS/3.0 Known Bugs ---------- * Because the program forces an event every 1/100th of a second to get accurate time counting, this does not let the CPU sleep much and as such it seems to affect battery life. There's nothing that I can do software wise to prevent this while retaining full functionality, but it's worth being aware of. * Timing will not work in CoPilot, this is a CoPilot limitation, not a program limitation Version History --------------- v2.02 - Bug fix, feature addition v2.01 - Bug fix v2.00 - This Version (features and bug fixes!) v1.11 - Bug fix v1.10 - New feature release v1.01 - Service release (fixed a few bugs) v1.00 - First public release v0.10 - First prerelease, testing to make sure the product worked Tech Support/Info ----------------- The author of this program does not guarantee technical support for the product, but feel free to contact him by email at cdipierr@llamas.org Most questions will be answered/addressed within a few days time. The latest version and information about the product can always be found at http://www.llamas.org/pstw/ Special Thanks -------------- Special thanks to Peter Johnson for the new icon. Liability --------- The author of Pilot StopWatch is not affiliated with Palm Computing, and is not liable for any damages caused to the user or the user's computer equipment (including both their home PC and their Pilot). This program has been tested on a Pilot 1000 with the professional upgrade and with an AMD K6/233 PC and to the best of the author's knowledge will not harm similar equipment. However, by installing this product, the user dissolves the author of all liabilities related to this program or otherwise.